I read with some disbelief in this mornings The West Australian that 6PR has blacklisted the word Pom from its talkback programs.
"Pom" offensive? I've never had a problem with it, not like coon or nigger for example, and I am a Pom, although some what lapsed, a 10 pound Pom infact.
I'm happy to be called a Pom, it's part of my identity, I find the word comfortable, affectionate even.
To quote The West, "... a small group of British expatriates who regularly raised formal complaints about the word had prompted the station's lawyers to add it to a list of rude phrases and racial slurs that should be avoided."
That should read "...a small group of whinging Poms..." oops, I do believe I have just used "Pom" offensively.
But hang on, can't any offensive word be prefixed by a country and used to vilify?
How about Australian cunt, could that be offensive?
Should 6PR now ban the use of the word "Australian" on their talkback shows?
Night Shift
6 days ago
Oh please wrap me up in cotton wool... Even tho I'm 'Strine'. Excellent take Spencer. Well done, send it to the West!
Thanks Sarah. A compliment from a writer as good as you is a true compliment indeed.
Yep, I am with you. You 'ol'/little Bugger' is a term of endearment from one Aussie to another, we even call our best friends 'bastard'. Just another indication that too many people are too fucking comfortable and obviously have too much leisure time to worry about things that don't matter. They need to get a life.
My Indigenous students and I were having a joke about the use of the word 'blackboy'....they just looked quizzical when I mentioned 'grass-trees' the other day. 'Oh you mean blackboys', they guffawed.
We agreed, its not what you say its who is saying it and how.
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