Well I've finished it at last. The Daisy Bates Geneologies (sic) have been transferred over from Bob Howard's Pages to my pages. I have copied everything as I found it, that means all spelling mistakes, grammatical errors and dead links are as Bob created them.
I thought about editing, but I don't want to become a victim of Muphry's Law.
Fantastic document, well done Bob, vale etc...
Night Shift
6 days ago
This is just great Spencer! Sorry its taken so long to comment. Blogger had its period on the first occasion and then I forgot. But I did not forget how impressive your rebuild was. It's a lot easier to find your way around now and I read some things I didn't even know were there.
You my friends are an absolute life-saver. Looks like Bob's homepage has been taken down and these geneologies have become an indespensible aspect of my all important hobbying. Thank you very =, Spencer.
Thanks Ciaran, i had a feeling that Bob's pages wouldn't last forever. I should probably move them to a more stable home as they are hosted on a free server at the moment. I'll have to start writing some requests to site hosts to find a permanent home for this excellent document.
Hi Spencer, can you put up the url for the bates geneologies again please. I'm clicking on the link and get referred to a domaine name/hosting site. It may be a virus I have that's doing it my end.. Anyhow, thanks and thanks again for doing the transfer of the site.. Cheers, Ciaran
Hi Ciaran, I bought a domain name and now host the Bob stuff there. This should prove to be a permanent and stable home for his research. It's great that you are still using it... You can find Bob's pages here:
Thanks Spencer.. I really do use it. Am looking up some stuff about natives from east of Esperanace at the Mo. Can't imagine having to do it without Bob's organisation. It's a godsend, and so are you for saving it. Thanks again mate :-)
Glad you like it!
I'm going to put a search function in there soon, when I learn how to do it...
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