
Remove the Ugly Blogger Navbar

If you want to remove the ugly default Blogger navbar, (you know, that bar across the top of your page with the search field in it), try inserting this code:

#navbar {
height: 0px;
visibility: hidden;
display: none;

Just paste it into the head of your html, and no more boring old default navbar.

Note: This might be against the Blogger Terms of Service, but hey who gives a fuck about TOS?


Mark Roy said...

cool, nice work

Spencer Collins said...

Yes, it is a nice one. I see you've removed yours already.

sarah toa said...

wtf is your html? is that the ... what is it?

Spencer Collins said...

It's a language you format web pages with. Go to "Layout" - "Edit HTML" on your dashboard and all will be revealed.

Spencer Collins said...

Err, but best not to fuck with it too much...